Alabama Fire Sprinkler Systems
A fire sprinkler system is designed to save lives. Its purpose is to effectively suppress a fire long enough for the arrival of local fire department to extinguish the fire through traditional means.
A sprinkler system’s capability to contain a fire depends on the working order of the system. To maintain the integrity of the system, inspections must be performed routinely as authorized by the National Fire Protection Authority, Alabama Fire Marshall, and local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).
Alabama Fire utilizes the NFPA 25 national standard to inspect, test, and maintain fire protection systems. It is our obligation to thoroughly explain the guidelines necessary for all fire protection systems to all our customers.
- Wet Systems
- Dry Systems
- Preaction Systems
- Deluge Systems
- Fire Pumps
- Standpipes
- Backflow Preventers
- Underground Leak Detection
- Underground Fire Service Mains
- Fire Hydrants
- Water Storage Tanks
- Underground Piping
- Horizontal Split Case Diesel Drive
- Horizontal Split Case Electric Drive
- Vertical Inline Electric Drive
- Skid Mounted Electric Fire Pump Skids for International or Domestic Shipment
- Skid Mounted Diesel Fire Pump Skids for International or Domestic Shipment
- Pre-packaged Pump